
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Предварительная программа

Готова предварительная программа для Одесской группы обучения Pluralsight. Каждый видео курс будет сопровождаться домашними заданиями.

Мы можем включить в план обучения разработку HTML5 игры. Подробнее об этом мы поговорим на первой встрече группы.

1. HTML Fundamentals (2 hours)
HTML markup is the heart of any web application and this course will teach you the fundamentals of HTML.

2. Introduction to CSS (2 hours)
This course introduces you to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

3. JavaScript Fundamentals (3 hours)
Everything a beginner needs to get started programming with JavaScript

4. jQuery Fundamentals (5 hours)
This course will guide you through the features of the jQuery "write less, do more" library

5. Web Development with ExpressJS (2 hours)
Course on web development with express.js, a lightweight Sinatra-based web framework for node.js

6. Building HTML5 and JavaScript Apps with MVVM and Knockout (5 hours)
Learn how to build robust and maintainable Web applications with JavaScript patterns, MVVM, and KnockoutJS.

7. CSS3 (3 hours)
An introduction to the exciting enhancements in CSS3!

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